Collection: Ludij Peden
Ludij’s paintings reflect a love of the buildings, landscape and way of life uniquely typical of Far North Queensland.
This fascination with old buildings goes much deeper than simply the presentation of something picturesque.
“I see people as just another part of the ecology, and their buildings as shelters for their kind – a right as valid as that of the birds and animals. These shelters, for me, the symbol of people’s presence in the landscape, portray their triumphs, defeats and ongoing struggle against the forces of nature.”
Mainly an oil and watercolour painter, Ludij also works in acrylics, printmaking and graphics, is an experienced art judge and tutor, and has published several books and print editions. She has won numerous awards, and her works are in many public and private collections worldwide.
“I consider myself a realist painter – and take great delight in the details by bringing them to life and often counteracting them in a sea of looseness. My canvas is the man-made landscape – people’s effect on nature’s landscape, counterbalanced by nature’s continuing and timeless influence on people and their endeavours.”